Key 2020 Election Dates
Best way to make certain your vote counts – vote in person!
Voting in Person
Polls open - 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.Voters who are voting for the first time in their election district need to show ID. Acceptable ID includes both photo and non-photo ID.
Acceptable IDs for first-time voters:
- Driver’s license
- U.S. passport
- Military, student, or employee ID
- Voter registration card
- Firearm permit
- Current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or government check
- Any ID issued by the commonwealth or federal government
Note: An ID without your photo must have your address on it.
I signed up for absentee/mail-in ballot and now I want to vote in person.
To vote at your polling place, you will need to bring both your mail-in or absentee ballot AND the outer return envelope to your polling place. Learn more about voting at your polling place.
I got to my polling place and my name isn’t in the book.
Officials at the polling place should call the county board of elections to determine if you are registered. If you are, you should be able to vote. If the county cannot find your name, but you believe you are registered and omitted from the poll book, you may vote a provisional ballot.
Voting Resources
How to Vote by Mail

Apply online using the link above or here.

Track the status of your mail-in ballot here.

Mark your ballot, following the instructions. Place your ballot in the secrecy envelope and then the official envelope. Do not forget to sign the declaration. Either mail or deliver your mail in ballot to your county election office.